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Spiral mills for door and chair manufacturing

Reading time: 2 min.

Spiral cutters are one of the basic tools used in machining centres. They are essential for machining all types of wood, various types of plywood and wood-based plastics.

Faced with this potential, ITA TOOLS has developed a wide range of spiral cutters, divided according to the number and shape of the cutting teeth and the type of work the tool is intended to do.

frez spiralny
Spiral milling cutter for visor milling

Types of spiral router bits

The most common are router bits with three smooth or fluted teeth. Smooth teeth ensure a high-quality surface finish. Fluted teeth, on the other hand, are ideal for pre-machining and for cutting material on the machining centre.

These router bits are most used for wood and plywood when making chairs, tables, and solid wood furniture. We also have a group of spiral milling cutters specifically for door manufacturers. These are tools designed for processes related to milling the lock pocket or peephole. All carbide spiral router bits are made from materials supplied by the Swiss company Ceratizit, a world leader in the production of high-quality carbide. We produce the router bits on the latest numerical control machines with the highest accuracy.

frezy spiralne pozytyw-negatyw
The "positive negative" spiral cutter finishes both the bottom and top edge of the material perfectly

NaDia spiral coated router bits

An innovative solution that has won the approval of many customers throughout Europe is the coating of spiral cutters NaDia coatingcontaining polycrystalline diamond particles. This coating extends the service life of carbide tools several times over. The ideal combination is the mounting of the helical milling cutter in a thermo-screw chuck, which, due to the absence of a cage and nut, eliminates the problem of run-out, which has a direct impact on tool strength and the quality of the machined surface. The user receives a router bit already mounted in the chuck, ready for insertion into the CNC.

Check our offer

In addition to dozens of off-the-shelf sizes, ITA TOOLS also offers customised spiral cutters. The professional service of spiral cutters is also in high demand, including those fitted in thermo chucks. The full range of spiral cutters and other professional tools can be found at online catalogueavailable on the company's website.

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